
  • Abhishek Sangal Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Subharti Medical College, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut Author
  • Mithun Ghosh Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Lala Lajpat Rai Medical College, Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut Author
  • Ashok Srivastava Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, T. S. Mishra Medical College, Lucknow. Author
  • Bhim Singh Professor & Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, Subharti Medical College, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut Author


Mandible, Coronoid process, triangular, rounded, hook, forensic


Introduction:Mandible, a bone well known since decades for determination of age and sex in an individual among forensic experts, possesses coronoid process, a triangular flat piece of bone projecting anteriorly in the upper part of ramus of mandible. This process depicts variations in shapes due to attachments of muscles of mastication. Aim of study: Evaluation of incidence in shape of coronoid process along with variation amongst gender and sides of mandible within a given sample. Materials and Methods: A total of 125 adult human dry mandibles (i.e.,250 coronoid process); both male and female; collected from Department of Anatomy and Department of Forensic Medicine at Subharti Medical College, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut were studied and analysed. Results & Conclusion: Triangular shape was the most common type (59.2%), followed by hook shape (28%) and rounded type (12.8%). The triangular shaped coronoid process predominates in both the sexes (M=39.2%, F=20%). Out of the 3 shapes; Triangular (32.4%), was predominantly observed on right whereas hook (15.2%) and rounded (6.8%) were comparable on both sides. This study shall benefit not only Forensic pathologists, Forensic anthropologists, Forensic odontologists, Forensic scientists, anatomists in determination of sex from complete/fragmentary mandibular remains, but also useful for maxillofacial surgeons performing reconstructive and sinus surgeries. 


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