
  • Mubeen (Professor and Head of the Department) Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology Government Dental College and Research Institute Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Bangalore, India Author
  • Abhishek Ranjan Pati Department of Oral medicine & Radiology Government Dental College and Research Institute, Victoria hospital complex, Bangalore fort. State: Karnataka-560002, India Author


Forensic sciences, source, dentistry


Violence and serious acts of crime pose a large problem in today’s society, with the increasing rate and sophistication of crime, it’s becoming more difficult for the collection of viable and suitable evidence, equally there has been a tremendous research which has led to advancement in the forensic odontology on a global scale. Forensic sciences is a boon to tackle the present rate of crime and dentists play a major role, as the teeth are the only pivotal structures available in a totally decomposed, burned and mutilated body, as they are not affected by extreme changes in temperature and the environmental factors. The responsibility of a dentist in gathering evidence is crucial, which has to be presented in the interest of justice(1). 


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How to Cite

FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY: A MYRIAD OF POSSIBILITIES . (2011). Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 27(2), 39-43.