
  • Pratik Tarvadi 1. Professor & Head, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, GMERS Medical College, Gandhinagar Author
  • Shahnavaz Manipady Professor & Head, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Kanachur Medical College, Mangalore Author
  • Mahabalesh Shetty Professor & Head, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, K S Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University Author


Bite mark, Photography, Metric measurement, Computer assisted Bite mark analysis, dentition scan method, Inter-observer variations


Aim: 1. To determine the Feasibility of bite mark analysis in forensic investigation 2. To evaluate the Reliability of bite mark analysis 3. To evaluate the Acceptability of bite mark as evidence Materials and Methods: Photographs of Bite Marks of 50 consenting volunteers were taken. Impressions of Bite  The findings showed that among the three methods  The bite mark analysis has to be used for as This is followed by Computer Assisted Hand Tracing Overlay Technique which is Reliable but has to be used cautiously due to inter-observer bias. The Metric method has proved to be Unreliable, hence has to be avoided. 


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How to Cite

Tarvadi, P., Manipady, S., & Shetty, M. (2022). RELIABILITY OF BITE MARK ANALYSIS AS A TOOL FOR FORENSIC INVESTIGATION . Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 38(2), 138-147.