Forensic Anthropology, Anthropometry, Stature Estimation, Finger LengthAbstract
Forensic investigations often face challenges in identifying corpses when traditional methods are infeasible due to severe body damage. Hence, estimating stature through anthropometric parameters becomes valuable for identification. For forensic applications, this study aims to establish a correlation between finger length and stature in the Karnataka population. Finger lengths from 200 participants (115 females and 85 males) aged 18-30 from Karnataka were measured using vernier calipers, and stature was recorded with anthropometric rods. Participants with finger disabilities were excluded. Each finger was measured three times for precision, and statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS software. Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression analyses were used to evaluate the relationship between finger length and stature, with a significance level set at p<0.01. Results showed significant sex differences in height and finger length, with males having higher mean values. Independent sample t-tests revealed statistically significant differences (p<0.001) in finger length measurements between males and females. Pearson correlation coefficients, ranging from 0.58 to 0.66, indicated a moderate positive correlation between finger length and stature. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated a strong relationship between finger length and stature, with an R-value of 0.72 and an R² of 0.51, suggesting that 51% of the variation in stature could be predicted by finger length. The regression model was statistically significant (F=19.51, p=0.001). These findings indicate that finger length can be a reliable predictor of stature in the Karnataka population, aligning with similar studies in other regions. This method has significant forensic implications, mainly when traditional identification methods are unavailable.
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Monyeki KD, Sekhotha MM. The relationships between height and arm span, mid-upper arm and waist circumferences and sum of four skinfolds in Ellisras rural children aged 8–18 years. Public Health Nutr. 2016;19(7):1195–9.
Ibegbu AO, David ET, Hamman WO, Umana UE, Musa SA. Association of hand length with height in Nigerian school children. Journal of Biology and Life Sciences. 2013 Jul 1;4(2):83.